Kathrin Ahäuser - Film & Fotografie
"Mann verhütet anders": Mit Hodenring oder Verhütungsslip: Wie Männer die Kontrolle über ihre Fruchtbarkeit gewinnen! Ein Film über neue (oder noch wenig bekannte) Alternativen und ihre Anwender.
Pille Palle
What are the side effects of the birth control pill on the body and psyche? 11 shortfilms, nominated for the Grimme Online-Award 2019
Du liebes Ding! / You pretty thing!
What is objectophilia about? Find out more about people, who love objects.
Multimedie production with TANZ Bielefeld. Video installations by Konrad Kästner, pictures of the dancers on fabric by Kathrin Ahäuser.
Neither Marco nor Doline could live without each other: Marco is the owner of a beautysalon in Luxembourg and Doline the role of his life – a story about self-realisation and the search of love and „élégance“ - Shortfilm by Babette Hnup & Kathrin Ahäuser.
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